Class EncryptionUtil

  • public class EncryptionUtil
    extends Object

    Simplified encryption and decryption methods using the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) (since 1.15.0) with a supplied encryption key (which you can also think of as a passphrase, or password).

    The "salt" and iteration count used by this class are hard-coded. To use a different encryption or have more control over its creation, you should rely on another implementation or create your own.

    To use on the command prompt, use the following command to print usage options:

     java -cp norconex-commons-lang-[version].jar com.norconex.commons.lang.encrypt.EncryptionUtil

    For example, to use a encryption key store in a file to encrypt some text, add the following arguments to the above command:

     <above_command> encrypt -f "/path/to/key.txt" "Encrypt this text"

    As of 1.13.0, you can also use the encrypt.[sh|bat] and decrypt.[sh|bat] files distributed with this library.

    Pascal Essiembre
    • Method Detail

      • main

        public static void main​(String[] args)
      • encrypt

        public static String encrypt​(String textToEncrypt,
                                     EncryptionKey encryptionKey)

        Encrypts the given text with the encryption key supplied. If the encryption key is null or resolves to blank key, the text to encrypt will be returned unmodified.

        textToEncrypt - text to be encrypted
        encryptionKey - encryption key which must resolve to the same value to encrypt and decrypt the supplied text.
        encrypted text or null if textToEncrypt is null.
      • decryptPassword

        public static String decryptPassword​(Credentials credentials)

        Decrypts the given credentials password.

        credentials - credentials from which to decrypt the password
        decrypted password.
      • decrypt

        public static String decrypt​(String encryptedText,
                                     EncryptionKey encryptionKey)

        Decrypts the given encrypted text with the encryption key supplied.

        encryptedText - text to be decrypted
        encryptionKey - encryption key which must resolve to the same value to encrypt and decrypt the supplied text.
        decrypted text or null if one of encryptedText or key is null.