Class QueryString

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Serializable, Map<String,​List<String>>

    public class QueryString
    extends Properties
    Provides utility methods for getting and setting attributes on a URL query string.

    Since 1.4, query string parameters are stored and returned in the order they were provided.
    Pascal Essiembre
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • QueryString

        public QueryString()
      • QueryString

        public QueryString​(URL urlWithQueryString)
        Default URL character encoding is UTF-8.
        urlWithQueryString - a URL from which to extract a query string.
      • QueryString

        public QueryString​(URL urlWithQueryString,
                           String encoding)
        urlWithQueryString - a URL from which to extract a query string.
        encoding - character encoding
      • QueryString

        public QueryString​(String urlWithQueryString)
        Constructor. Default URL character encoding is UTF-8. It is possible to only supply a query string as opposed to an entire URL. Key and values making up a query string are assumed to be URL-encoded. Will throw a URLException if UTF-8 encoding is not supported.
        urlWithQueryString - a URL from which to extract a query string.
      • QueryString

        public QueryString​(String urlWithQueryString,
                           String encoding)
        Constructor. It is possible to only supply a query string as opposed to an entire URL. Key and values making up a query string are assumed to be URL-encoded. Will throw a URLException if the supplied encoding is unsupported or invalid.
        urlWithQueryString - a URL from which to extract a query string.
        encoding - character encoding
    • Method Detail

      • getEncoding

        public String getEncoding()
        Gets the character encoding. Default is UTF-8.
        character encoding
      • toString

        public String toString()
        Convert this QueryString to a URL-encoded string representation that can be appended as is to a URL with no query string.
        toString in class Properties
        the properties as string
      • applyOnURL

        public String applyOnURL​(String url)
        Apply this url QueryString on the given URL. If a query string already exists, it is replaced by this one.
        url - the URL to apply this query string.
        url with query string added
      • applyOnURL

        public URL applyOnURL​(URL url)
        Apply this url QueryString on the given URL. If a query string already exists, it is replaced by this one.
        url - the URL to apply this query string.
        url with query string added