Class | Description |
CharsetTransformer |
Transforms a document content (if needed) from a source character
encoding (charset) to a target one.
ExternalTransformer |
Transforms a document content using an external application to do so.
NoContentTransformer |
Get rid of the content stream and optionally store it as text into a
metadata field instead.
ReduceConsecutivesTransformer |
Reduces specified consecutive characters or strings to only one
instance (document content only).
ReplaceTransformer |
Replaces every occurrences of the given replacements
(document content only).
ScriptTransformer |
Transform incoming documents using a scripting language.
StripAfterTransformer |
Strips any content found after first match found for given pattern.
StripBeforeTransformer |
Strips any content found before first match found for given pattern.
StripBetweenTransformer |
Strips any content found between a matching start and end strings.
SubstringTransformer |
Keep a substring of the content matching a begin and end character
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