All Classes
All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary Class Description AbstractConverter Adds default behaviors common to most converters, including checking fornull
values and wrapping exceptions inConverterException
.AbstractInlineTaglet Base inline taglet class.BeanException Runtime exception indicating a bean-operation error.BeanUtil BlockTaglet {@nx.block} A wrapper around any JavaDoc text for inclusion in other classes.BooleanConverter Boolean
converter.ByteArrayOutputStream This class is an alternate version of JavaByteArrayOutputStream
.ByteBufferInputStream Wraps aByteBuffer
in anInputStream
.CachedInputStream InputStream
wrapper that can be re-read any number of times.CachedOutputStream OutputStream
wrapper that caches the output so it can be retrieved once as aCachedInputStream
.CachedStreamFactory Factory for input/output streams caching values for repeat usage.CertificateUtil Certificate-related (e.g., SSL) utility methods.CharacterConverter Character
converter.CharsetConverter Charset
converter.CircularRange<T> A range from a possible set of values that rolls over when defined circular start or end is reached.ClassConverter Class
converter.ClassFinder Utility class for finding names of classes implementing an interface or class in directories or JAR files.ClasspathInput Load XML Schema resources input from Classpath.ClasspathResourceResolver Resolves XML Schema (XSD) include directives by looking for the specified resource on the Classpath.ClassUtil Class-related utility methods.CollectionUtil Collection-related utility methods.ConfigurationException Runtime exception for configuration related issues.ConfigurationLoader Configuration file parser using Velocity template engine (which can have parse/include directives) and using separate files for defining Velocity variables.Consumers<T> A list ofConsumer
instances, each triggered sequentially when this one is.ContentFamily Represents a family of content types.ContentType Represents a file Content-Type (also called MIME-Type or Media Type).ContentTypeConverter ContentType
converter.Converter Converts strings to objects and objects to strings.ConverterException Runtime exception indicating a conversion error.CountingIterator<T> Counts the number of
was invoked.Credentials User credentials with an optionally encrypted password.DataUnit ADataUnit
offers representation and conversion of various quantity of bytes/bits.DataUnitFormatter Formats a data unit to a human-readable string.DataUnitParser Parse a textual representation of a data unit and converts it into aBigDecimal
representing the quantity for a given unit (e.g., bytes).DataUnitParserException Runtime exception when aDataUnitParser
could not parse a string value.DateConverter Date
converter using EPOCH representation for strings.DateUtil Date-related utility methods.DimensionConverter Dimension
converter.DurationConverter Duration
converter using milliseconds for string representation, but can also parse back plain-English durations.DurationFormatter Formats a duration to a string.DurationParser Parse a textual representation of a duration and converts it into along
millisecond value.DurationParserException Runtime exception when aDurationParser
could not parse a string value.DurationUnit Duration Unit.DurationUtil Deprecated. Since 2.0.0, useDurationFormatter
.EncryptionException Runtime exception thrown if there is a problem with the encryption or decryption.EncryptionKey Pointer to the an encryption key, or the encryption key itself.EncryptionKey.Source EncryptionUtil Simplified encryption and decryption methods using the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) (since 1.15.0) with a supplied encryption key (which you can also think of as a passphrase, or password).EncryptionXMLUtil Deprecated. Since 2.0.0, useEncryptionKey
save/load methods.EnhancedXMLStreamWriter A version ofXMLStreamWriter
that adds convenience methods for adding simple elements and typed attributes, as well as offering pretty-printing.EnumConverter Enum
converter.EqualsUtil Convenience methods related to object equality.ErrorHandlerCapturer Collects XML validation errors.ErrorHandlerFailer Fails upon encountering first XML validation errors by throwing anXMLValidationException
.ErrorHandlerLogger Logs XML validation warnings and errors.Event An immutable event.Event.Builder<B extends Event.Builder<B>> EventManager Manages event listeners and logs events.ExceptionUtil Exception-related utility methods.ExecException An exception thrown byExecUtil
.ExecUtil Utility methods related to process execution.ExtendedReferenceInsertionEventHandler Velocity reference insertion event handler that when triggered, will try to resolve the reference against system properties or environment variables (in that order) if it could not resolved the normal way (before returning default value, if one was specified in the reference).FifoMap<K,V> Simple FIFO Map base onLinkedHashMap
.FileAlreadyLockedException Checked exception thrown byFileLocker
when trying to create a lock on an on an already locked file.FileConverter FileLocker SimpleFileLock
wrapper to use operating-system file-locking ability to help with multi-processes management.FileMonitor Class monitoring aFile
for changes and notifying all registeredIFileChangeListener
.FileUtil Utility methods when dealing with files and directories.FilteredInputStream Decorates an InputStream with a stream filter.FluentPropertyDescriptor A property descriptor that that will return write methods for fluent APIs (returning self).FunctionUtil Function-related utility methodsHost Holds a host name and port.HTMLTaglet {@nx.html} HTML beautifier with enhanced functionality.HttpURL This class act as a mutable URL, which could be a replacement or "wrapper" to theURL
class.ICachedStream IConverter IDurationUnitFormatter Formats a single duration unit according to supplied locale and plurality flag.IEventListener<T extends Event> Version ofEventListener
that can be used as a lambda consumer.IExceptionFilter Filter for limiting the exceptions to be eligible for retry.IFileChangeListener Listener for file changes, to be used with aFileMonitor
.IFileVisitor Visitor to be used withFileUtil.visit*
methods.IInputStreamFilter Filters lines of text read from an InputStream decorated withFilteredInputStream
.IInputStreamListener Listener that is being notified every time a chunk of bytes is processed from a given input stream.IMapChangeListener<K,V> Listener forMap
changes.IncludeTaglet {@nx.include} Include text from other JavaDoc documentation found in source files.InputStreamConsumer A stream consumer will read all it can from a stream in its own thread.InputStreamLineListener Listener that is being notified every time a line is processed from a given stream.InstantConverter Instant
converter.IOUtil I/O related utility methods.IPipelineStage<T> A logical step in the pipepline.IRetriable<T> IXMLConfigurable Deprecated. Since 2.0.0, useIXMLConfigurable
.IXMLConfigurable Provides indications that a class is configurable via XML.IXMLFlowConsumerAdapter<T> Adapts flow consuming elements so they can be treated asConsumer
.IXMLFlowPredicateAdapter<T> Adapts flow <condition> elements so they can be treated asPredicate
.JarCopier Performs a version-sensitive copy a Jar file or directory containing Jar files over to another directory.JarDuplicateFinder Utility class for finding multiple instances of the same Jar that exists either in different folder or the same, with the same name and version, or same name but different versions.JarDuplicates Holds jar files that are considered duplicates (same name and same or different versions).JarFile Simple Jar file representation holding name and version information.JSONTaglet {@nx.json} JSON beautifier with enhanced functionality making it easy to integrate into JavaDoc.KeyStoreBuilder Builder for creating a KeyStore.LocalDateTimeConverter LocalDateTime
converter.LocaleConverter Locale
converter.MapChangeEvent<K,V> A event representing a change of values in anMap
.MapChangeSupport<K,V> Here is an example ofMapChangeSupport
usage:MapUtil Map-related utility methods.MemoryUtil Memory-related utility methods.MutableImage Holds an image in memory and offers simple ways to do common operations.MutableImage.Quality NodeArrayList NumberConverter Number conversion.ObservableMap<K,V> A map implementation that reports changes to addedIMapChangeListener
instance.Operator Operators used by a few conditions based on comparable values (e.g., numbers, dates, etc.).OSResource<T> Provides an abstraction over operating-system specific resources (e.g. paths).PercentFormatter Formats percentage as string.Pipeline<T> Represent a very simple pipeline container for a list of executable tasks called "pipeline stages" (defined usingIPipelineStage
).PipelineException Exception thrown when pipeline could not be executed properly.PredicatedConsumer<T> AConsumer
that only gets triggered if a given predicate istrue
.Predicates<T> A list ofPredicate
instances, matched as a group.Properties This class is a enhanced version ofProperties
that enforces the use of String keys and values internally, but offers many convenience methods for storing and retrieving multiple values of different types (e.g.PropertiesException Properties
exception.PropertyMatcher Convenient way of matching values and/or fields (key) in a givenProperties
.PropertyMatcherCondition A simple XML condition matchingProperties
keys and values.PropertyMatchers Holds a collection ofPropertyMatcher
to perform tests/replace on all of them at once.PropertySetter Convenient way of handling the different ways a value (or values) can be set on aProperties
instance.ProxySettings Convenience class for implementation requiring proxy settings.QueryString Provides utility methods for getting and setting attributes on a URL query string.RBDurationUnitFormatter Use localized properties files (ResourceBundle
) to get the string representation of duration unit.Regex Builder and utility methods making it easier to construct and use regular expressions.RegexFieldValueExtractor Simplify extraction of field/value pairs (or "key/value") from text using regular expression.RegexInputStreamFilter Filters lines of text read from an InputStream decorated withFilteredInputStream
, based on a given regular expression.RelativeIncludeEventHandler Velocity include event handler that check for includes both relative to a template location, and absolute to the current file system root otherwise.ResourceLoader Utility class for loading resource from class loader, relative to a given class.RetriableException Exception thrown whenRetrier
failed to execute aIRetriable
instance.Retrier This class is responsible for executingIRetriable
instances.ReverseFileInputStream InputStream
implementation for streaming files in reverse order (from the end of file to its beginning).Sleeper Convenience class to put to sleep the currently running thread.SleeperException RuntimeSleep
exception wrapping anyInterruptedException
thrown.SLF4JUtil Provides convenience methods complementing the SLF4J offerings.StreamException Runtime exception when dealing with I/O streams.StringConverter String
converter.StringUtil Deprecated. Since 2.0.0, useStringUtil
StringUtil String-related utility methods not found in popular libraries.SystemCommand Represents a program to be executed by the underlying system (on the "command line").SystemCommandException An exception thrown by a executingSystemCommand
.SystemUtil System-related convenience methods.TagContent TextMatcher A configurable class offering a few different ways to perform text matching and replacing.TextMatcher.Method TextReader Reads text form an input stream, splitting it wisely whenever the text is too large.TimeIdGenerator Generates a unique ID made out of the current time in milliseconds, combined with a thread-safe atomic sequence value that guarantees order and uniqueness within the same JVM.URLConverter URL
converter.URLException Runtime exception thrown when dealing with URL failures.URLNormalizer The general idea behind URL normalization is to make different URLs "equivalent" (i.e. eliminate URL variations pointing to the same resource).URLStreamer Provides a quick and easy way to stream a URL.URLStreamer.HttpHost VersionUtil Version-related convenience methods.WebFile Access a web-based file as a local file.XML XML DOM wrapper facilitating node querying and automatically creating, validating, and populating classes from/to XML, with support forIXMLConfigurable
.XML.Builder XMLCursor XML cursor referencing the current position or element in XML traversal.XMLExampleTaglet {@nx.xml.example} XML beautifier with enhanced functionality.XMLException Runtime exception for XML-related issues.XMLFlow<T> Treats an XML block as being a mix of predicate and consumer classes to create an execution "flow".XMLFlowException Runtime exception for XML-related issues.XMLFormatter Simple XML Formatter.XMLFormatter.Builder XMLFormatter.Builder.AttributeWrap XMLTaglet {@nx.xml} XML beautifier with enhanced functionality.XMLUsageTaglet {@nx.xml.usage} XML beautifier with enhanced functionality.XMLUtil Utility XML-related methods.XMLValidationError A configuration error resulting from validation.XMLValidationError.Severity XMLValidationException Runtime exception for configuration related issues.YearMonthDay Immutable class holding a specific date made only of the year, month, and day.YearMonthDayInterval An immutable date interval where both the start and end are inclusive, unless stated otherwise.ZonedDateTimeConverter ZonedDateTime